I heard about a song that is supposed to reduce anxiety and stress better than a massage can.

This is one of those times where I look into something promising and find less than stellar research.

I got frustrated and thought I’d move on to a different topic, but my frustration with something shouldn’t spare me from sharing something with you.

Because the fact is this track did make an impact on the subjects of the study.

The song did reduce anxiety and stress levels.

The problem is that all the “Dot Com” websites that cite the article do so with improper figures and really stretch the truth.

The actual study (there’s only one – and it’s reported by the same people who helped make the song – wow can we say, BIAS) is right here.

The “Dot Com” websites state anxiety is reduced by 65% when listening to this particular song. This one also says there’s 40 participants in the study when there was really only 20.

Now this may not sound like a big deal because it’s a discrepancy of only 20 people, but at the same time this report is stating twice as many people participated and that is a big deal

Another case of media outlets wanting to be the first to report without checking the facts.

I digress…

Here’s the thing: if this song helps just one person reading this to reduce their anxiety, then it was worth sharing.

Music therapy research needs a bit of fine tuning (pun intended) to get better evidence out there.

At the same time, music therapy has little to no side effects so giving it a shot is perfectly fine.

Yea, yea, yea enough already…what is this magical song?!

The song is called “Weightless” and it is performed by Marconi Union. You can click here to listen on YouTube or you can always look it up on your favorite streaming platform.

Why not give it a listen, preferably with headphones, and see if it’ll make you feel more calm, less anxiety, and stress?

It certainly won’t hurt.