Fixes, Tricks & Tips

Read the latest FTT from the desk of Dr. Wil Holdsworth. Updated weekly.

Dr Wil Holdsworth DC

Weight Loss Plateau & Carb Cycling

Lots of weight loss strategies include calorie restriction and/or carbohydrate restriction. When going from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to any of the current weight loss plans, the weight seems to come off effortlessly…at first. Most of us eventually hit what’s...

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Recipe: 3 Ingredient Oatmeal Brownies

With only 3 ingredients these brownies are super easy to make. They also are healthier than regular brownies despite the sugar present in the chocolate chips. I’m sure there’s sugar alternative chocolate chips out there if that holds you up. At the same time, I assume...

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Use It Or Lose It!

This time of year tends to get a little busy. Sometimes it gets so busy we forget to take care of ourselves. As the year comes to a close and I reflect on this past year, I want you to know that I greatly appreciate you as a patient. I sincerely mean this. Each and...

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Gamify It!

To gamify something is exactly how it sounds. Take aspects of a game and apply it to something that is not a game. People have been gamifying behavioral change and having success. Take a behavior / habit that you either want to create / break and gamify it! Let’s say...

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How To Boost Your Immune System

As we get closer to colder weather, people start to get sick more often.   Some even refer to the late fall and winter season as "Sick Season". Oh no!   We don’t have time for that, especially with the holiday season.   So I decided to share with you...

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Why You Should Care About Endorphins

You may have never heard of endorphins before. Perhaps you have, but you are unsure exactly what they are and what they do.   A brief look into endorphins reveals a lot of cool info - enough to say ok this is awesome what can I do to increase my endorphins?!...

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